Friday, February 15, 2013

Winter Break is over

Well winter break is over and I never updated this blog during that time. I get very lazy it seems. I will try to make better habits to share my art in the future because I noticed my views went down dramatically. Oh well... 

So new semester at TAD. I feel a lot more comfortable with the structure and not to worry about all the classes I'm taking which are Color/Composition, Light/Form, Figure2, Media1,  and Cast Drawing.

Color/Comp has been pretty straight forward, no real new stuff right now but doing the studies during class has served as one of those exercises I know I should do but I just dont as often as I'd want. I also had to do a little intro piece of me, so I'll show it here. I wish I could have had more space since I have so many things that influence me but breaking it to the bare bones (and sometimes the more interesting ones that isn't shared by everyone) I choose this.

Figure Drawing 2! Yep thats right #2. I really enjoy figure drawing and having 3 classes of it in the TAD program is good to know. The way we are doing right now is a lot more natural for me then using charcoal or pastel and building up shape. What we are learning right now though is how to simplify the form so that you work out perspective, proportion, gesture issues early while leaving muscle and detail for later.

Done in about 15 minutes each. Foreshortening was emphasized as was
drawing through the form.

15 each. Graphite pencil. Dots indicate where bone is visible.

Light and form class has been pretty simple and kind of relaxing. Its a weird feeling where I'm not exactly learning anything new right now but I'm working on something I dont really do at all. Like these boxes. They are a lot looser than the perspective class ones, its really just about grasping three dimension. My next assignment is painting a head over an egg... I doubt I will be as relaxed with that one.

Media class will be grazing over a few different tools to learn that could enhance a drawing/painting. Its really all about marks and the variety that you can make not so much anything else (except they are touched upon in class). We're starting with graphite and charcoal. This piece was done by Nicolai Fechin. Mine is on the right side. Up side, I really focused on the variety the way he draws. I tried my hardest mimicking the speed but I lost the precision that comes from skill. 

Down side, I pushed the features down which might have been the cause of some of the distortion. Overall, fun piece. The next step is applying it to a drawing of my own.

Done with graphite pencil, charcoal pencil, and on drawing paper.
Size is about 8-10"

Cast drawing... this class has been making me stress out. Not with the work i'll be doing, not with the long hours it will take on a single image... No, its the set up. I feel like I over thought it in the beginning but now I'm getting closer to achieving the setup ( least the place for it anyway).  

While we work on the setup, we are also doing some excersice. This is nice since I did not want to jump head first into the piece. This one down here is something I will try to do over and over again. Its drawing the same image next to it then putting it over the original and seeing where you went wrong. The red indicates bad, yellow okay, and green is good.  As you can see, just a little shift can ruin well placed lines from being exact.

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